What is RVExpertise.com?
Started by Alyssia’s love for RVing, RV Expertise (RVE) has grown into a prominent place for travelers to find the latest and greatest equipment guides and resources.
Our diverse content library spans from information about RV parks to buyer’s guides about every part you’ll ever need, and even reports on the year’s best travel trailers and RVs.
Since then, the site has grown thanks to the help of a few extra team members substantially. While things may change behind the scenes, RV Expertise’s goal has remained the same: deliver high-quality content to those who need it most.

Why You Can Trust Our Work
Our goal isn’t to convince you why we are perfect (spoiler - we aren’t).
There are plenty of other available resources aiming to do what we are, and they are doing an excellent job. There’s no sugar coating that.
We will say that our team puts in the work to ensure each piece of content is up to our stringent quality standards. We also do our part to ensure that it looks great and provides additional resources such as images and links to enhance your experience after it’s published.
We review content on a semi or quarterly-basis to spot any inaccuracies or opportunities for improvement.
As self-proclaimed, “passioneers” we work hard, do our best, and let the rest speak for itself.
Meet Our Team
Below are a few people behind the scenes we would like to recognize.

Alyssia | Founder
“Hi, my name’s Alyssia. My husband and I live a life on the road, so we figured no better way to share our journey than through a blog!
In the early days, while we were traveling as RV noobies, we quickly realized how often we needed RV accessories and supplies. Not only in need of supplies, but we needed help finding the best supplies. From this, we launched RV Expertise and began sharing our top picks.”

Pam | Editor
“Hello! I’m Pam! I was initially a reader of RV Expertise, then felt compelled to reach out one day through the work with us page, and thankfully, Alyssia needed an editor. The first part of my career was spent as a 6th-grade English teacher, so it was a match made in heaven.
When I’m not tidying up Brent and Lydia’s work, I’m a mother and wife. I love spending time with my family and reading.”

Brent | Writer
“Hi, I’m Brent. I joined the RV Expertise team in mid-2019 as a part-time writer, then that eventually moved into a full-time position in early 2020.
As a proud owner of an Airstream Bambi, I love writing about the sort of questions I originally had when starting. Giving back to the community and testing out a few products here and there, what’s not to love?”

Lydia | Writer
“Hi, my name is Lydia, and I’ve been with the RV Expertise team since August 2020. I've been a freelance writer for several years now, and I love blending my two biggest passions, writing and camping.
I don’t have an RV or trailer just yet, but I’ve spent my fair share of time using many of the products mentioned in articles while tent camping. When I’m not working, you can typically find me tending to my succulent garden or working on some random project around the house.”
How to Get in Touch
You can contact us by filling out the form on our contact page, or reaching out to us on any of our social media accounts. Links to our social accounts are below.
Connect With Us On Social!
Our home base is here on the RVE website, but we are also active across social media accounts. Find us on your favorite platform below:
How Does This All Work?
We take immense pride in what we do and love helping visitors answer questions. Like you, we’re curious about the unknown. The difference is, we do our homework, so you don't have to.
That means we spend hours researching and digging, so each guide is easy-to-understand and constructed with confidence. Trust when we say we stand by our articles.
How Are Products Chosen?
As you have probably noticed, we have a lot of content on RV Expertise, and we review quite a bit of RV related gear, accessories, and parts. However, it would be almost impossible for us to use every single product in our articles.
Because of that, we rely heavily on several things: consumer reviews, forums, influencers, and social media channels such as YouTube. From there, we go to work and scour the web to separate fact from fiction.
To help combat fake reviews (yes, they exist), we use tools such as Fakespot. If you haven’t heard of this and you’re an avid Amazon-goer, we HIGHLY recommend you download it. It’s a life (and money) saver.
Who Writes Content?
In the early days of RV Expertise, Alyssia wrote most of the articles. However, as the site grew, more people joined the team to take some of the load off her plate.
Today, Lydia and Brent manage the content. After their work is complete, Pam steps in as a second set of eyes to edit their work and ensure it’s up to par.

How Does RVExpertise.com Make Money?
We have to keep the site up and running somehow. To keep the wheel turning, we participate in Amazon’s Affiliate Program.
What’s That Mean?
This means we may receive a small percentage of the sale when you purchase a product on Amazon after reading about it in our article.
If you want to support RV Expertise in the best way possible, it would be to purchase products through our links. Anything is much appreciated.
Do We Get Paid to Review Products?
No. We do not accept payment from companies to do product reviews. If a company wants to send a product in for free, then we will consider collaborating.
Do Brands Pay Us For Better Rankings?
No. That would defeat the purpose of delivering the truth to readers. As mentioned above, the only sort of brand collaboration we participate in is if a company wants to send our team some product to test, review, and keep.

Thanks for Visiting
Wow. If you’ve made it this far, you must be a true RV Expertise fan. Thanks for that!
We want to thank all our visitors for the support over the years and for helping us keep this site alive. Honestly, we couldn’t do it without you.
If you have any lingering questions, are interested in collaborating (this doesn’t mean via a guest post), or have some feedback for our team, please reach out to Steven, and he will be in touch.
Take care and be safe out there!

2018 - 2020 | RV Expertise © |
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Affiliate Disclosure
RV Expertise is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Pages on this site may include affiliate links to Amazon and its affiliate sites on which the owner of this website will make a referral commission.